Knowing Your Spirit Animal

Spirit Animal

There are spirit animals that come into your life to help you. These guides are your spirit guides and are also called totem animals and animal guides. The creatures are not human, and they are there to teach you. When you meditate, you will find out what your spirit animal is trying to tell you.

Eagle Totem Animal

The eagle is an animal that flies and they are considered the king of the sky. They are also a national bird of America. The eagle is one that represents goodness such as pride and freedom. They are strong and they will help you to be brave.

When you have the eagle as your spirit animal it can mean that you are going to have victory and blessings and that you are going to be able to beat anything that gets in your way. This bird can mean that you need to take opportunities as they come, and you will be able to beat them.

Elk Totem Animal

The elk is a strong animal that is found in the woods. This animal can mean wisdom and stamina, but they are also a graceful animal. They have strong antlers and teeth and many psychics will collect these parts of the elk in ways to help them to use their powers.

Some tribes will use the elk teeth in order to make things such as gifts. If your spirit animal is the elk then it means you need to be patient and that you need to have integrity and be protective of those around you, especially women.

Falcon Totem Animal

The falcon is one that is able to see and use its intuition to guide it. It has strong senses and can make fast decisions. This animal can make you have an open vision and allow you to see things in a better way. It can mean that you can set better goals and you will be able to reach them.

If the falcon is your spirit animal then you will need to focus on your goals and reach them. You can be independent and you will be able to beat out any challenges that you face.

Fly Totem Animal

Even though the fly is an insect, it can still be a totem animal. This is a creature that takes opportunities and makes them work for them. It is also one that wants something and will work until it gets it. The fly will find places that are hidden to get resources and they will find solutions to their problems.

If this is your spirit animal, you will have prosperity in your life and you can take your resources and multiply them. You will be able to do this fast and won’t go without things you need.

Fox Totem Animal

The fox totem animal is one that will give you gifts and will be wise. They are also cunning and they can get things that they want. The fox is known to be able to steal things like chickens but they are also playful and unique.

The fox will show you that you can make things work together and you can enjoy life as much as you want to.

Goat Totem Animal

The goat totem animal is one that will go further and further. It will climb as far as it wants, and it will be a blessing to have as a spirit animal. Having this as a spirit animal means that you will face hard times but you will always be successful in it. The goat keeps going no matter what and so will you.

Gorilla Totem Animal

The gorilla is a great spirit animal. It can mean that you have tough skin but that you are sensitive on the inside. It can also mean that you are gentle and you are protective and loving. This spirit animal can mean that you have strong relationships and that you are nurturing and compassionate.

This animal is smart, and it is a fast learner and so if you have situations you are going through you can face them and you will be able to use your skills to work through them.

Hare Totem Animal

The hare is an animal that changes and is magical. It is one that can help you with your mental, physical, and spiritual life. This is a great animal to have as your spirit guide, especially if you are going through changes. It can help you to find who you are.

This animal is dominate and doesn’t get tired. It is one of the best spirit animals to have because it is able to communicate strongly with others.

Hawk Totem Animal

The hawk is an animal that has strong eyesight and is able to see things around it. If this is your spirit animal, then you probably have strong intuition and guidance. You will be able to look at things in your life and you will be able to see your success.

The red-tailed hawk can mean that you are a messenger and that you are meant to tell people the truth. You can see that this animal means that you are not supposed to be materialistic.

Jaguar Totem Animal

The jaguar is an animal that can mean that you have strong psychic gifts. You might be able to communicate with the living and with the dead. This is an animal that is considered powerful and sacred.

If this is your spirit animal then you will want to make sure that you are respectful and most people will want to be on your good side in life. This is an animal that will prowl through the land and it considered an animal to make it in any environment.

This animal will guide you and help you to see good even in the darkest areas of your life. You will have hope and you will be able to see this hope in yourself and in others. This will build your self-confidence and will help you reach your goals.

Lion Totem Animal

The lion is an animal found in the jungle and is the king of the jungle. This can mean that you are a great leader and that you are someone that draws people to you. If this is your spirit animal, then you will stand out and you will be able to compete and win. You will have a voice that is powerful, and you will be able to choose the right things to say when you are talking.

You will be successful with this spirit animal and you will be able to set goals and to serve others along the way.

Mongoose Totem Animal

Even though the mongoose is small, it is a powerful animal. It is able to be bit by things with venom and still live. This is a hard animal to beat. If you let this animal guide you then you will be able to make it through hard things. You might feel smaller but you will be confident and you will have no fear. You will take risks and you will not be afraid of things around you.

Moose Totem Animal

This is an animal that is full of pride and is strong. This animal will help you to see the strength inside of yourself. You will see that it will give you confidence and that you will understand that you need to always be cautious when you make decisions.

The moose takes care of itself and if you have this as your guide it will love you and it will give you power to protect your friends and your families.

Opossum Totem Animal

The opossum is an animal that is seen as a mean animal but it is not true. This is an animal that knows how to survive and also knows how to take care of its young. It will play dead when it needs to protect itself or its family.

If this is your spirit animal then it might mean that you need to withdraw sometimes and that you need to make sure that you aren’t doubting yourself. You can use this animal to show you how to defend yourself and how to survive the different environments around you. This animal is flexible and is always changing no matter what is going on around it.

Final Thoughts

Your totem animal is there to guide you and to give you power. As you understand what your spirit animal is, you will see that it will give you power to grow and power to be the best that you can be. Listen to the wisdom that your spirit animal gives you and let it guide you all through your life.


  1. The inclusion of less traditionally revered animals like the fly and mongoose adds a unique perspective. It highlights the importance of finding value in often overlooked aspects of nature.

  2. This article piqued my interest in how the characteristics of spirit animals can influence personal growth and decision-making processes.

  3. The descriptions provided for each spirit animal appear to be deeply rooted in symbolism. It would be interesting to explore how these interpretations have evolved over time.

    • Indeed, the symbolism behind spirit animals often reflects the values and beliefs of the cultures from which they originate.

  4. I appreciate the detailed explanations of each totem animal’s symbolic meaning. It provides a richer understanding of how spirit guides can be perceived and interpreted.

  5. The idea of spirit animals as guides is intriguing, especially considering how different cultures emphasize various animals for their unique traits.


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