Listening to Your Gut Feelings

Listening to Your Gut Feelings

Your gut feeling is your instinct or your intuition. This is a quality that you have that will help you to know what is right and what is wrong. This is when you listen to yourself, and you just know something without any real information as to why you know it.

Instinct is considered a psychological thing that allows you to react to different stimuli that are happening. You can look at the signals that your brain sends to your gut, and you will be more aware of what is happening around you.

Your Gut and Emotions

When you think of your gut, this is a place where you can feel emotions. This is how your body will respond to what is going on around you. This is called mind-body dualism and it means that the brain will tell the body how to feel and how to react to things that are happening around you.

The way that the brain predicts things is the factor that changes what you are feeling. This will take current things such as where you are and then memories and experiences and will help you to predict what is going to happen next.

When you have a gut feeling, your brain will match what is going on with your brain and with your body. The brain will tell your gut by giving you butterflies or goosebumps and will help you to process through the situation.

Your gut feeling is something that has to work with logic though. You have to think over what is happening and let your brain give you cues. You might be able to read expressions of others for your brain to decipher these cues because your brain is always forming biases. As you have a confirmation bias, you will see that you can use evidence to confirm what you are believing. Even though you are uncertain sometimes, you need to listen to what your body is telling you the meaning is, which can sometimes be danger.

What is Your Body Telling You?

When something doesn’t feel right, your body is telling you because your body and mind is turned off by certain things that happen. When you start to make decisions, such as getting into a new relationship, you will see that your body and your mind is using memories that are accurate to help you make decisions.

Being self-confident is important and you can use this confidence to help you to make decisions. If something doesn’t feel right, then you will feel it in your physical being. This doesn’t mean that there is a problem, or you shouldn’t do something you want to do, you just need to listen and be logical. Sometimes low self-esteem will determine what you are feeling, and your gut sometimes wants to be in charge.

People that are highly stressed or those that have trauma that they are facing need to trust more their feelings and be on alert when something is happening. Having stress can trigger a flight or fight emotion and it can cause you to react by running or by facing the situation.

Research shows that our body and mind tell us when we are in pain or when we are hungry. Our organs communicate with our brain to help us know what signals to listen to. If you are really hungry or scared, you will know that you need something.

Interception is one way that you can know the sensitivity to signals that help to regulate how your emotions work. You will see that there is poor interception with depression. People that have high anxiety are aware of their inner signals but don’t always use them in an accurate way.

The body will do things to try to help you be safe. When you love and trust someone, you can feel this same feeling. Interception signals the body, but it doesn’t always mean that the feelings are right. Someone with PTSD or anxiety might have physical signals that are not real or accurate.

It is important to care for yourself and to make sure that there are biases that can change how you feel about things. This can be based on experiences and what your body is trying to tell you. There are instincts that your body is meant to pick up on such as if you are in pain or if you are sick. Having a gut feeling can be wrong but you should never ignore it. Pay attention to the situation and what it is trying to tell you.

Gut Feelings and Logic

People should not fixate on listening to their gut, but they should use it along with logic. Don’t ignore your instincts because they are part of your body and understanding who you are. There is a place where you have to draw the line and where you need to be connected with more than your gut, but you should also listen to your gut to gain more knowledge about what you need.

Be comfortable in who you are and what your body is telling you. No matter what kind of connections you have, the instinct is there for you in all aspects of your life including your health and even your relationships. Let the feelings that you have tell you what you need and when you meet someone, listen to what your body is telling you.

Being vulnerable means that you will fall in love but if you see them act a certain way or it triggers some kind of warning, don’t ignore it. This can be a feeling for a purpose, and it is important to pay attention to triggers or to anxiety when you are connecting with each other.

Attachment Styles and Anxiety

Attachment styles can be something that brings anxiety and if you feel stressed then you will not be as connected as you need to be. There can be emotional triggers that go deep, and your emotions should never control you. Look at your triggers as a mechanism to keep you safe.

Being vulnerable will change the way that your body responds to things. If you feel that you aren’t loved, then you might have a hard time getting close to someone. This can be a time that you need to get therapy so that you can work through these feelings.

All of your relationships are part of making a decision and you have to listen to more than your gut feeling. Unless you are in an emergency, listening to your gut can be important but you need to listen to other signals as well before you respond.


  1. The mention of interception and its connection to emotions is thought-provoking. It’s valuable to understand how poor interception can affect individuals with high anxiety or depression.

  2. The advice to not solely rely on gut feelings but to balance them with logic is prudent. This balanced approach can aid in better decision-making across various aspects of life.

  3. The article provides a comprehensive overview of the interplay between gut feelings and logic. It is insightful to see how our body communicates with our brain to help us navigate through various situations.

  4. The concept of mind-body dualism outlined in the article is intriguing. It highlights how our instincts are not solely based on irrationality but are a product of past experiences and current stimuli.

  5. The article’s discussion on how attachment styles and anxiety can influence our gut feelings is enlightening. It underscores the complex nature of our emotional responses and the importance of addressing deeper issues.


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