Understanding Starseeds

Understanding Starseeds

Starseeds are people that have certain kinds of energy. You can find out if you’re a starseed based on your natal chart. You have to figure out where the sun, moon and the north and south nodes were when you were born.

Finding Your Starseed Sign

You can find your starseed sign by looking at your natal birth chart. Circle the part that was ruled by the sun and then do the same for the moon. Do another circle for the north and south nodes so that you can figure out about your destiny and your karma.

You can look at your nodes of destiny, the sun and moon signs and where your south node was to find out if you’re a starseed. Virgo and Taurus in the south node will represent that they are a new starseed in a new life. Leo, Aries, Aquarius, Sagittarius, and Virgo on the north node will indicate that they are going to be a starseed in the future.

The sun that is in Cancer, Pisces or Scorpio can mean that the person is a starseed now. Aries, Sagittarius and Virgo can mean that you’ve been a starseed in the past. Aquarius can indicate that you were a starseed at the beginning.

The moon in the ninth house means that there are starseed origins and the moon connected to mars and Aries, Virgo, Sagittarius, or Taurus can mean that you have been in alliance with a starseed.

Are You a Starseed?

If you have planets in your birth chart that are moving through 5 degrees at 33 feet or 3 degrees at 11 feet when you have psychic gifts. If you have two or more planets that retrograde, then you have a starseed origin. This means that you see things from a different mindset.

If you are Taurus, Scorpio, Leo, Aquarius, Aries, Cancer, or Capricorn then you are a Pleiadian starseed if you are in these degrees:

  • 24.
  • 25.
  • 26.
  • 27.
  • 28.
  • 29.

In Cancer, Capricorn, taurus, Virgo and Sagittarius you will have starseeds in Andromedan or Lyran if you have these degrees:

  • 32 feet.
  • 33 feet.
  • 34 feet.
  • 35 feet.

In 0-10 degrees it can mean you have starseeds in Mintakan or Orion.

In 0 or 1 degrees it can mean you have starseeds in Procyon and Polarian.

In 0 degrees it can mean you have starseeds in:

  • Feline.
  • Annunaki.
  • Anubis.
  • Lyran.

You might have starseeds in Hadarian or Blue Ray Energy if you have these degrees in:

  • 25 feet.
  • 35 feet.
  • 36 feet.

You could have old souls, Light Reptilian or Light Draconian if you have these degrees:

  • 50 feet.
  • 52 feet.
  • 53 feet.
  • 54 feet.
  • 55 feet.

Stages of Starseed Awakenings

Here are some stages of the starseed awakenings:

  • Pleiadean

This is the record keepers, and they are artists and creators. They are also known as “Seven Sisters.”

  • Sirian

These are found on Sirius, and they don’t express emotions well, but they do have an open mind.

  • Arcturian

These are leaders that are naturally born, and they are confident and don’t hide themselves.

Indigo, Rainbow, or Crystal Children

These are people that are humanitarians, and they are those that fight for social justice.

  • Andromedan

These are people that look for others that have the same views.

  • Orion

They are able to get information and they often cause conflict.

  • Mintakan

Lightworkers that have learned their lessons in their spiritual growth.

  • Lightworkers

These are people that are able to help others and they predict the future, astral project and move forward.

  • Lemurian and Atlantean

These are people that are referred to as Atlantis and they are the first advanced people on earth.

  • Maldek

They were there before there were humans and they would use technology to advance.

  • Feline or Lyrians

These are people that are ancient, and they keep the knowledge. They are from Egyptian cultures.

  • Blue Ray

These are sensitive people that help to build up communities.

  • Venusian

They will come to teach you to care for others and to be better parents.

  • Reptilians

They can shape shift and take on different bodies. They are selfish.

  • Draconian

They want to control everyone, and they are powerful and want to have more power. They come from collective energies.

Final Thoughts

You can be a starseed and you can look at your birth chart to see what starseed that you are. This will depend on your energy and how many lives that you have lived in the past.


  1. The stages of starseed awakenings seem to encapsulate a wide range of human experiences and archetypes. It would be interesting to explore how these stages correlate with different personality traits.

  2. The concept of starseeds and their connection to specific astrological markers is quite intriguing. I wonder about the historical origins of such beliefs and how they align with modern astrology.

  3. While the article provides a comprehensive guide to identifying starseeds, I remain skeptical about the validity of these classifications. More evidence-based research would be necessary to substantiate these claims.

  4. The detail provided about various types of starseeds and their characteristics is extensive. However, it would be beneficial to have more scientific or psychological perspectives to understand these claims.

    • That’s a great point. The intersection between astrology and psychology could provide a deeper understanding of why people resonate with the idea of starseeds.

  5. I’m curious about the methodology used to determine starseed origins. Is there any empirical evidence or is it mainly based on spiritual and esoteric traditions?


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